Now it was time to return to America. At Geneva Buchman had received a cable from Queen Marie suggesting he travel on the same boat as she and her party did. He agreed, and they sailed on the Leviathan on 12 October. He spent a good deal of time with the royal family on the ship, and one night they gave a formal dinner for him. Afterwards they discussed the days in New York. The Queen said she wished to express publicly her debt to Buchman of which she had so often spoken privately. Prince Nicolas suggested that there should be a house-party for this purpose, in place of the one in Romania which had been postponed because of the trip. In the end, however, it was agreed to make it a reception at the rooms which Mrs Tjader provided for Buchman at 11 West 53rd Street. Buchman cabled New York, 'Queen accepts tea twenty-fourth Ileana Nicolas accompany.'31

In New York, however, a major row about Buchman and his work was already brewing.